Anne 8th January 2022

Dear Clive, your 75th birthday has arrived, remember we were planning to go away somewhere for the weekend to celebrate, although I don’t think Lesley and Jason would have wanted us to, because they would have wanted to be with you on your birthday. It’s ironic that you are now away from all of us, and none of us can be with you today. I have written in your 75th birthday card and on your memorial card, it was very hard to do, it upset me so much. I cannot believe you are really gone for good and I will never see you again, at least not in this life. I hope you have had a good birthday up there, with the family members who are already there with you. I will raise a glass of gin and tonic to you tonight, then make my lonely way up to bed, that is the time I miss you the most. Rocky was here today, he cheered me up. You would have really loved him. I can just see you now jiggling him on your knee like you used to do with all of the babies. I wish you were still here with us every single day, life can be so very cruel. I’m heartbroken and missing you so much. When we were getting married and we said those words “till death us do part” they didn’t mean anything to us because we had our whole lives in front of us, but all too soon those words came true, and now I understand the meaning of those words. I will always go on loving you Clive for as long as I live and beyond. I have so many memories of you, so many photos and videos, we always talk about you, and you will always be in our hearts, never forgotten. Love from Anne. Happy Birthday. 💔💔💔💔💔