Anne 3rd August 2021

Dear Clive, I wish you were here more than ever at the moment as I am looking after Sophie and Max, they are tiring me out a bit but with you here we could have shared the load. It’s August already and I still can’t think about never seeing you again. So many times I think of talking things over with you, I only wish I could. It’s rough on Karen with her Dad being so ill, we are all hoping so much that he will pull through. Max is sitting at the table with his iPad and Harry Potter dolls, yapping away to himself if you were here he would be chewing your ears off. All the grandkids miss you so much, it’s hard for all of us when we come in and you are not sitting in your usual chair. I’ve got to go now and start the dinners. Remember my love for you is eternal. I miss you 😢😢😢💔💔💔😘😘😘