James 20th January 2022

Dear Grandad, I’ve put off coming here for the past few days to try and keep my head on straight and try to not relive the pain from last year. I was thinking back to the trip to Ormskirk we had planned, some old airbnb receipts flashed up on my phone to remind me if it… before all of this Covid got in the way. Shame we never got the chance, it would have been a right laugh - as long as the drinks prices stayed the same as when I was last there. We’re in the middle of planning our wedding now, April 6th 2024 - but I guess you already knew that one. I’m a bit upset you won’t be there to enjoy it as there was even an opportunity to put your flat cap on. I’m sure you’ll be there in spirit. On a side note, Rambo seems to not sit still for anyone else like he did for you… not sure if that’s related or if he’s just going through rabbit teenage years. Perhaps I should try not to be too superstitious though. I’ll have to leave with that thought as it’s quite late but I hope you had a lovely 75th birthday - sorry i mean 25th, how could I forget… Missing you always, James