Anne 21st January 2022

Dear Clive, I was more than a little shocked yesterday when I found out that your friend and neighbour Alan had died in December and his funeral was yesterday. I am sure you knew before we did as I expect Alan is another friend up there with you now. I asked Lesley to come round to stand and pay our respects to Alan as unfortunately I was on the school run and couldn’t be here. Then today we learned that Meatloaf had died, his songs were playing on the radio this morning, remember when we used to play his CD every time you had to drive to Liverpool. Bat out of Hell came on, and it really did make me smile when I thought of me turning it up really loud, with you doing 90 mph on the toll road and singing away. You soon slowed down when it finished though. I thought 2021 would be better but we haven’t had a very good start, with Mary passing away on 12th, your anniversary, Alan in December, Meatloaf today. Life is pretty depressing when you get older and you realise that there are more funerals than weddings or christenings. On the plus side, as you know, James and Tez will be getting married in April 2024. Something I am really looking forward to, I am heartbroken that this is another wedding you won’t accompany me to. I am so happy that James has realised some of his dreams already, he works really hard for everything he gets, plus doing his University studies and I know you are as proud of him as I am. Annice has found a part time job in Tescos plus going to University, she was James’ apprentice at weekends but she works weekends now so James has found another willing apprentice in Luke who is also working hard towards his GCSE’s. Lesley is with Andy today (it’s Andy’s birthday) going up on a long zip wire. I’m sure she will be okay with you looking out for her. Rocky is getting bigger by the day, he’s a bit of a handful but he is good company for me. I’m still trying to sort the loft out so I can stash the Xmas decorations up there. They are all cluttering up your bedroom at the minute. I’ll be writing again soon Clive. Love always ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Anne 😘😘😘😘