Lesley 24th April 2022

Dear dad, a video popped up on my Timehop yesterday. It’s been in my thoughts since. You were laughing your head off at a really funny video. You looked so well. It was a long time ago because you were sitting in your spot on the sofa but you had carpet in your house. I watched it so many times yesterday. It’s been on my mind all day. I want to watch it again but it’s hard because it’s a video I love but I find it hard to see you laughing and talking. Because I’m missing you so much. Some days I can watch videos. Some days I can’t because it hurts so much, and some days it makes me happy and sad. It’s so strange how feelings and emotions get to me. Not so long ago I was saying how grateful I am for all the photos and videos but right now it makes me sad. Time is not a healer. It’s heartbreaking. Just a emotional phase I’m going through I suppose. Seen a robin flying into the garden so many times throughout the days recently. Beautiful red breast. Every time I see it you are in my thoughts. I miss you so much dad. I love you. All my love Lesley 💔💙💔💙💔💙💔💙💔💙💔💙💔💙💔xxxxxxxxxxxxxx