Anne 29th June 2021

You know what really tears me apart every single day Clive, it’s always washing up one of everything. One cup, one plate, one knife, one fork. I can’t stand it. It breaks me down little by little every day. I was so used to making things for you and mostly using two of everything, it is proving to be so hard to wash up just for one. I never thought I would miss you sharing the washing up with me when you were well but I really do. We were such a good team. I miss washing and ironing your clothes, mainly pyjamas and undies and socks, I miss never seeing anything of yours in the washing basket, the smell of your deodorant that always made me cough because you always sprayed too much, it would make you laugh to know that now I spray it every couple of days, at night so I can smell it while I am in bed and make believe you are in your room next door to me. Everything still seems like it’s a bad dream but then i wake up every morning and know that it is real. I’m never going to see you again and I can hardly stand it. This heavyweight in my chest is there all the time. I loved you so much, I still do and I miss you thousands of times each and every day. Heartbroken - Anne 💔💔💔💔💔