Anne 24th August 2021

Dear Clive, I watched the last episode of Downton Abbey tonight, we used to like watching that together didn’t we. It brought back so many memories of our own. Then at the end it was New Years Eve, everyone was singing Auld Lang Syne, that did it for me I sobbed so much my eyes are still stinging. Me and Lesley are both wondering how we are going to get through the wedding, but then even after the wedding there are going to be so many other occasions over the coming months to get through, Christmas and New Years Eve are going to be just so awful without you. I know you couldn’t be with us last year because you were in hospital but at least we were able to see you and talk to you on FaceTime. This year we will have nothing, your gone now forever, I miss you so much. I miss looking after you, even if you did tire me out, I just wish I could be with you again. I can’t accept that you’ll never be with me again. I’m so bloody angry, I keep thinking “if only”. If only you could have got through December without getting COVID, you would have been alright because you would have been getting your COVID vaccination, and maybe we would still be together. I’m never going to get over losing you Clive. I love you so much. Anne. 💔💔💔